Monday, March 29, 2010


It's spreading...

Now an epidemic, chat-roulette has taken O'Keefe by storm.  The plethora of penis, the pantheon of sexual predators... all just a few clicks away!  What more can you ask for?  Thanks to the magic of computer to monitor cables, the whole basement can enjoy video chat with one of these sexual deviants at the same time!

Warning:  May turn oneself into a porn-star.  And an unpaid porn star at that.  

Sunday, March 28, 2010

FORMAL Success

Muchos gracias to all those who helped put together a great formal celebration.  Great performances, great music, great speeches.  The awards were well deserved, though there is some controversy over the recipient's legitimacy in a few cases.    Below are some pictures which we can all appreciate.  Both the boys and girls videos will be posted soon!