Saturday, February 27, 2010

Emails Between a Man and a Boy-child (commentary by Hooman Samani)

Hello Sean,

The O'Keefe House Rez Council Rep. Michelle Ewing has informed me that spending the full monetary allowance given to each floor president  could be an issue if spent on our end of the year formal celebration.  I trust that as this has not been an issue in any of the past years, and in fact under the exact same management last year it was not a problem, that this is simply some sort of misunderstanding.  I would be more than happy to discuss this issue with Michelle and any of the Rez council executives!


       Christopher Taylor

(2 and a half weeks later)
Hi Chris,

Let's talk, as this was an issue last year and we did make it clear that it would be the last year that use of the funds would be allowed. 

When are you back in the city to talk after the break?

(10 hours later)
I'll be back in town late this weekend but if we could meet up next
 week that would be great. I'm thinking sometime on Wednesday perhaps?
I've also asked the Residence Life Coordinator to join us for the
meeting so we can get this straightened out.  Let me know your
schedule and we'll work something out.  Thanks.
Hey Chris,

Thanks for the quick response. Next week Wednesday sounds great, however I don't think it would be useful for the Residence Life Coordinator to come. (I've copied Jen on this email for her information.) These are Residence Council funds and as such, Student Housing Services isn't involved in setting these financial policies. Our current policy of a maximum of $40 per event has been set in place by our executive to ensure that funds are used throughout the year in small increments to foster community development over the entire term and not just in one lump sum. We made an exception last year for O'Keefe with the clear stipulation that next year the funds would not be used for just the formal.

In short, the use of these funds are solely under the jurisdiction of the Residence Council Executive, so I look forward to meeting with you next week.

Ryerson Residence Council
160 Mutual Street | Toronto, ON | M5B 2M2 | 705.888.2343

I have never heard that the residence floor funds could not be put towards the formal as it has been used for many many years, nor has Michelle, the floor representative.  Therefore is would seem incredibly convenient that you arbitrarily make this decision and not inform anyone until the end of the year.  Regardless I would like to view the official Residence Council Constitution to see if there are any official rules on the matter, because it would seem to me no such rule exists.

 It would also seem inadvisable to have a meeting with just you, Carson, as apparently the funds are under the control of the Residence Executive.  Therefore I would propose that myself and other members of O'Keefe attend the next Residence Council meeting where we can speak with everyone and ask questions such as why we pay fees to residence council but are than denied anything in return?  Or perhaps what the mighty executives would use our stolen money for?

If you believe that cowardly hiding behind fabricated rules and regulations you supposedly adhere to (because we all know you always obey the rules) will make this issue drop, you're dead wrong.


Hi Chris,

It's unfortunate you've decided to make this a personal attack on me rather than a discussion about the issues at hand.

Let me be clear. This financial policy is not an "incredibly convenient arbitrary decision" by myself. It has been a continued standing policy of the Executive this year. The policy is that Floor Funds are to be used throughout the year in amounts under $40 per event unless previously approved. This was a policy I instituted last year in an effort to promote more intentional year-long programming by Floor Presidents and to avoid blowing all their money on a big $10 per person floor dinner at spring rolls or using the entire pot of money to subsidize floor clothing. This was actually discussed with the entire O'Keefe Senior Team at a meeting last year with the entire RC Executive at the time after we encountered this issue around your formal spending last year. I am unaware how the communication of that rule to O'Keefe happened this year.

To your second point, you are right that it is not in the constitution (as the constitution as a guiding document would be bogged down by including all the finer points of our operations such as financial fund policies), but it is a standing policy of the Executive and is just as binding as such.

I fear if you choose to pursue this course that this lack of meaningful communication between us could result in an uniformed and unnecessary personal attack on myself in front of the entire Residence Council, which has no perspective or context to the current situation.

I would highly suggest that you, Michelle, myself, Yanna (our VP Finance) and our new incoming President, Kyra Whale meet to sort this out before going to the Residence Council. It would allow us to constructively evaluate the situation and hopefully come to a mutually satisfactory solution. Perhaps we can discuss larger institutional problems with O'Keefe's view of membership within the Residence Council.

I hope to hear back soon,


So sorry that sounded like a personal attack.   I just have trouble fathoming how you expect the O'Keefe dons and floor reps to magically know what policies you've decided to change.  Especially when your rules are not written anywhere, you'd think that at bare minimum there would be some sort of verbal communication to the current leaders.  Anyways if you'd like to avoid taking a bruising in a public debate I'd be happy to meet with Kyra, Yanna, and whoever else you'd deem appropriate from the residence council.  I'll come with Michelle, and next year's don so we can make some sort of arrangement.  You may pick the time and place.


Michelle and Chris,

Let's meet Thursday night at 10pm in room 205 in Pitman Hall. 

Also, if we could meet without the new RLS member, Kyra has requested that we just deal with the current situation on it's own and leave discussing next year's plans and relations between O'Keefe and Residence Council between her and the new house seniors next year on a fresh slate.

Let me know if that works for you,


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quote of the Week

Context:  Malcolm, the self proclaimed champion of mariokart racing on the ole' N64 places third in a race against Alex and Chris.  (Alex takes first place)

  "I need to re-evaulate my entire life"